Punatapu courtyard

Outside kitchen and fireplace

Duley's mountain picnic

Rolf and Toa


John Bevan Ford
kotou katoa.
Greetings from Aotearoa to the many wonderful folk who have walked
through our doors over the past ten years. Your kind words, comments,
notes regarding your stay at Punatapu have inspired us to continue
caring for and sharing this special, peaceful and beautiful environment.
Punatapu is ready for the 2006 summer season thanks to a very
caring team who take pride in their work to ensure guests experience
genuine and sincere kiwi hospitality. We are looking forward to
many friends returning.
Its been two years since we’ve sent news from Punatapu
of the people who make it all happen.
Chef Rolf Krebs return is back after 3 years in Melbourne, Switzerland
and the US. We are excited but not as much as Toa who has staked
his position and bowl at the corner of the kitchen. Rolf has new
chocolate recipes, (Aussie, with a Swiss touch) for sampling by
summer guests.
Homemade hokey pokey ice cream was a big hit with celebrity Chef
Marcus Sameuelsson of New York’ s Aquavit. Marcus’
visit to Punatapu and New Zealand is to be featured in the January
issue of Conde Nast Traveller.
Chef Duley continues to delight guests with special events in
amazing places.
Jackie and Joy, pillars of the establishment, spend considerable
time looking after us as well as Punatapu. Jackie’s humour
is just as good and sharp as ever.
Joy, now a proud property owner at Karitane fell in love with
this quaint seaside fishing village when setting up Pumatapu’s
rental beach villa, www.tirimoana.com
Maryann joined the team 2 years ago as afternoon hostess. Her
professionalism and expertise selecting wines to accompany dinner
contribute to Punatapu’s legendary culinary focus and reputation.
We are delighted to announce Riduan Tomkins and John Lyall are
Punatapu’s artists in residence for 2006. Both have a wonderful
intellect and come highly recommended. This promises for interesting
dinner conversation and evenings in the courtyard beside the outdoor
Sadly John Bevan Ford, Punatapu’s first artist in residence
passed away in September 05 after struggling with a serious illness
for five years. Known for his contribution to the establishment
of contemporary Maori Art, John was recognised by Creative New
Zealand shortly before his death. Some of you will remember him,
his twinkly blue eyes, mischievous smile, and alluring personality.
This season in his honour a selected collection of his works will
be featured throughout Punatapu.
This year the artist in residence programme is extended with
the appointment of Jenny Stewart as culinary fellow. Her culinary
work will feature local and regional New Zealand cuisine.
For the past two winters Sue and Pat have volunteered their medical
skills taking WWII veterans returning to Trieste and Monte Cassino,
Italy. Prior to this they, with their family and grandchildren,
experienced the richness of travel through Turkey, Syria and Lebanon.
We wish you a happy festive season and look forward to hearing
from you.
Ka kite ano,
Sue and Pat Farry, Jackie, Joy, Maryann, Rolf, Jenny, Duley and
Toa. |